Friday, January 18, 2013

Happy New Year!

Finally I am able to get a few lines down after a chaotic but oh so exceptional reunion. Johnnie made it home after being extended for what we thought was FOREVER. I flew my mom up to help me move and luckily we had 3 awesome strong arms to help us move. Never being in that situation it was quite a journey. We got all the furniture and most of my belongings into the new house in one day. Then took a few trips to get the misc items. And I still forgot my hand mixer. Luckily I went back to check my mail and walla it was there.
We had a great christmas and the kids were spoiled. Luckily I had been frugal all year and found
excellent deals. The kids loved seeing all the toys from santa. The best gift I received was my husband home. Im so glad that the last deployment is over. We can move onto our final journey.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Home sweet home. 
I can't wait to enjoy this beauty.
This was just the beginning. I can't believe I packed up an entire house by myself and manage
to have 3 very well behaved kids and a wiener :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


We have been given the opportunity to rent a house virtually free for the remainder of my husbands time here. It includes a pool and hot tub on a quiet street with retired military families.  Our debt will be paid we can get out of mold infested military housing. (not that ours has mold) It doesn't, I would hold a sit in until its fixed.  We would have to move upon my husbands arrival and we have help moving. Everything has been arranged I would basically just have to do nothing.  Im excited and nervous at the same time. We transition well Im not worried about my husbands integration back into the family. He's a Doer take charge kind of man and for that I am very thankful. Ive started packing. De cluttering and gathering boxes and such. I might have to part with some of the children's things we don't necessarily need. Maybe this will be my spring cleaning. :) Im so excited for everything to start happening. The days seems to go so slowly its driving me bonkers. I just want my husband to be home already. I'm off to get another cup of coffee in before I go get milk.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

River city

A recent stint of River City has drove me crazy. I can say while I did divulge in a little shopping we paid off a portion of our debt. Working towards the rest I cannot wait to see the end of that long tunnel. We have orders now and I am excited and scared at the same time. Johnnie will be doing a Recruiting Tour for his final tour in the Navy. He has been a recruiter before and he was 100% successful I have no doubt he will be again. He's a great leader and an absolute outstanding role model. That I have no doubt. Its the location i'm afraid of. I can't disclose the location right now. ( I don't want certain people finding out) Its a location we both wanted but are hesitant because of the past. We will get through it. A new routine or swing of things shall be put into place so we can get used to recruiting better. This time we know what to expect.
Ive begun the first steps on buying our first home. Im so excited. I "pinned" my dream home ideas over and over again. I can't wait to show Johnnie. Luckily his ideas are similar to mine so I am sure he will love them too. We are realistic and assumed we wont be getting everything on our dream home wish list. None the less we are excited.
       The weather is changing and i'm loving it. The cooler temps came at a perfect time. It makes us so much closer to our holiday season and all its happenings. I was thinking I might put up the christmas after halloween. Maybe just the decor and not the tree. That is still in the works. I have a very curious 1 year old now and a crazy 2 year old boy who just might think hes a monkey and try and climb the tree, can I handle that.. NO.. :)
My sweet emma has been screaming her little head off for reasons unknown right when she wakes up in the am. Which is generally around 5:30-6. I'm hurting because lately I haven't been able to go to sleep until midnight. Thanks to the newly found Big Bang Theory and Homeland. Which if you havent seen them those 2 shows are incredible. I laugh constantly at Sheldon and im in constant suspense in Homeland. I also love that the shows main character is named Carrie.. Just sayin..
       I am missing Johnnie more and more and some days it's hard to see the light. Im constantly reminded from him how this is the absolute last time he will ever leave me. I love that man and would do anything for him. But im glad this deployment is our last. After doing this a decade im completely over it and im ready to snuggle him every day. The kids miss him and our oldest asks about him and shows me her count down daily. Shes so brave and strong. I love her.
      I'll leave on that note. I know there are some christmas deals to be found. As of now I'm completely done. I think when Johnnie gets home he will see some things he will get for the kids but im done. Minus the stockings :) Tis the season

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The longest wait

We recently stumbled upon a milestone in our marriage actually our relationship. We have surpassed our longest time apart. We have always managed to luck on out on the deployments and get reasonable 3-4 or 4-5 month deployments. This one now that its our last one, we are going out with a BANG I suppose. I got great phone call and that "somewhat" made up for the lengthy time apart. As the last few months go on time seems to get slower and slower. Im a bundle of emotions and excitement. We have since learned of our new duty station and we are in contact.  Im so excited. Im about 99% sure without hard copy orders they are set in stone. However with the navy things are always changing. So for now all I can confirm is that it will be west coast shore duty. Thank heavens for little miracles. 
                  School is about to start for my third grader. Im excited for her but I will miss our conversations and late night christmas movie watching. She's so excited and wants to talk about it daily...hourly... ok every stinking minute and its driving me bonkers. She reminds me of myself. Already has the shoes clothes and hair stuff picked out. Back pack ready sans the lunch. Im excited for this year. She has requested that if she gets straight A's again all year that she receives $100 instead of $50. I bit my tongue and agreed. I know I will have to start putting away money for her. She's a very smart girl, so much smarter than me in so many ways. 
                  Emma's 1st birthday is approaching. While we aren't going to celebrate her birthday "big" until Daddy comes home. Haylee and I have done something just for her. I can't believe she is going to be 1 year old. My pregnancy with her went by so fast, her first year went by even faster. And a little less painful too.  At her 9 month (closer to 10) check up she weighed 23lbs. Im curious to see if my ham bone has thinned out a little do to all the crawling, scooting, cruising she is doing. Not yet walking but her daddy's wish just might come true. He wanted her to not walk until he got home. We shall see. At this point Im ok with it. No pressure. Just continue to be my baby. 


Friday, August 10, 2012


READING  Nothing at the moment
WRITING A love letter to my Love
LISTENING Disney Jr. Emma is saying "DADADA"
THINKING How does my son know when a bag of chips is crumbled? all the way from the other room..
SMELLING Apple crumble. Curtesy of BBW
WISHING Our time was now, I hate waiting for deployments end 
HOPING Our last duty station is as awesome as it seems and there isn't any drama. 
 LOVING My husbands ability to rock the shit out of a 13 mile run in honor of the fallen seals.
WANTING Fall to actually be in the air, not just in my head
NEEDING To do my workout rather than pin some inspiration on pinterest :)
FEELING overwhelmed 
CLICKING  Pinterest....

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


The day before my little emma turned 11 months her first TOOF has sprouted. I don't know why but we are beyond excited.  Trying to write this real quick to make note of it. Our little emma is growing up and getting teefers. Talking jibberish to the core as well. So much is happening. Tons of good news I will share later.